Butterflies are not only an outstanding natural beauty, they are somit useful pollinators of flowers. Searching for nectar are butterflies don’t picky about, but will build up their eggs in specific plants. Ur mainly a cornfield alljährlich flower mixture meant for butterflies mainly flowers to the nectar Collect and in the low Caterpillar Contents nourishing plants for the offspring of for example Dovetail. Provide your butterfly populations and you rund create with all near-natural gardens Small habitats. Growth height 40 – 80 cm. Sow from vierter Monat des Jahres to the end of Jr. nichtsunny position. Sowing amount:: Approx. 1.0 g/m² Extensive sowing instructions on the packaging.’Flower: The allerlei Butterfly Konzept meeting place they appear from around late Jr. to October. Contents: 100 g/For approx. 100 m²
Standplaats:koude/volle grond.
Geschikt voor:natuurlijke tuin, boerentuin.
voornamelijk eenjarig, biedt vlinders bloemen om nectar te verzamelen.